Masinism is a small interaction design studio based in Estonia. We make machines for creative experiences, technological experiments and museum exhibitions.
Masinism is run by artist Timo Toots and talented network of designers, programmers and other collaborators.
We are located in the South of Estonia. Our studio is part of Maajaam farm for art and technology.
We have worked with creative technology since 2001, here you see our latest commisions and installations.
Videopiano is a digitally augmented piano that takes different shapes and sizes. Videopiano is easiest way to start playing piano in public space.
Luumer is a light painting installation. All it needs is some darkness, a screen and happy people.
Linki is a floppy for a digital era. It’s is an open standard for physical medium of digital content. It’s a rectangular object of any material linking to online content through a NFC tag. We have created several custom media players that use linkis.
Museum Machines are commisioned works for museums.